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Table of contents
  1. Stages of labour
  2. Signs of imminent birth
    1. Care of the newborn

Normal labour can be defined as spontaneous onset between 37 and 42 weeks gestation with labour progressing within acceptable limits.

KEMH Guidelines

Stages of labour

  • 1st Stage from the start of labour until the cervix is fully dilated (several to many hours).
  • 2nd Stage full dilation of the cervix until the birth of the baby (few minutes to several hours).
  • 3rd Stage after birth of the baby until the placenta and membranes have delivered (few minutes to an hour).
  • 4th Stage the first few hours after birth

Signs of imminent birth

  • Loss of operculum plug (bloody show) occurs when the cervix dilates and the mucous plug dislodges
  • Increasing frequency and severity of contractions (3-5 contractions in a 10-minute period)
  • Urge to push or open bowels
  • Bulging perineum/anal pouting
  • Crowning/presentation of part of the baby
  • Spontaneous rupture of membranes (SROM) can occur during the 1st or 2nd stage of labour

Care of the newborn

  • Record time of birth (this is really important)
  • Assess infants tone
  • If tone good, dry baby with warm towel, place on mother and continue observing tone, respirations and HR
  • If baby pinking up, breathing well (RR 40-60bpm), HR > 100bpm, leave skin-to-skin on mum and replace towel with warm wrap (keeping baby warm is very important)
  • Record 1, 5 and 10 minute APGAR scores
  • Clamp and cut umbilical cord, leave long - at least 10cm - in case neonate resuscitation required
  • Keep baby warm and encourage/invite mum to breast feed
  • Transfer to hospital

Table of contents

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