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Stroke (CVA/TIA)

Table of contents
  1. Mimics
  2. FAST assessment
  3. Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation (RACE)
  4. AVVV


  • Hypoglycaemia: Ensure BSL > 4.0mmol/L
  • Hypotension

FAST assessment

FaceFacial droop or asymmetry
Arm- Arm drift
- Weakness
- Other neurological deficit
SpeechIs the patients speech slurred or abnormal?
TimeT < 9/24 since Sx onset (or <9/24 since waking with new Sx onset - covers wake up strokes)

Some hospitals (mainly the SJOG ones) are now adding BE to FAST for BEFAST

  • Balance: Effectively ataxia / loss of coordination
  • Eyes: Is there a visual disturbance / loss (diplopia)

Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation (RACE)

If patient is FAST +ve, evaluate using RACE. RACE >= 5 divert to neuroendovascular centre.

Facial palsyAbsentMildModerate to severe
Arm motor functionNormal to mildModerateSevere
Leg motor functionNormal to mildModerateSevere
Head/gaze deviationAbsentPresent 
Aphasia (if right hemiparesis)Performs both tasks correctlyPerforms 1 task correctlyPerforms neither task correctly
Agnosia (if left hemiparesis)Patient recognises his/her arm and the impairmentDoes not recognise his/her arm or the impairmentDoes not recognise his/her arm nor the impairment


Considered a good test to consider posterior strokes. Must have Ataxia and/or Visual Disturbance

AtaxiaAcute, sudden onset
Visual DisturbanceAcute, sudden onset
VomitingVomiting stronger predictive value than nausea


the hand flippy quickly test
A sudden onset of ataxia
Can be horizontal or vertical
Intention tremor
Finger tip to nose test, also helps with visual field
Scanning dysarthria
Words like “University” and “Hippopotamus”, the emphasis is on the wrong sylable (Scanning) and dysarthira is slowness/slurring of words
Heel-shin test positivity
Similar to the finger to nose test for intention tremor
Under/over shoots target during finger to nose test
Pull arm while protecting patient and let go, if it rebounds without the patint trying to / able to arrest the return of the arm fail test

Check patient tone as well (Hypotonia)

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