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Table of contents
  1. Anatomy
    1. Layers of heart
    2. Coronary blood supply
      1. Right Coronary Artery (RCA)
        1. Posterior descending artery (PDA)
      2. Left Coronary Artery (LCA)
        1. Left circumflex (LCx)
        2. Left anterior descending (LAD)
      3. Auto-regulation
    3. Cardiomyopathy
      1. Hypertrophic
      2. Dilated
      3. Restrictive
    4. Cardiomegaly
  2. Useful formula
    1. Cardiac Output
      1. Factors that affect Cardiac Output (CO)
        1. Stroke Volume
        2. Heart Rate
    2. Stroke Volume
    3. Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)


Picture of heart including conduction pathway

  • Right side: de-oxygenated blood
  • Left side: oxygenated blood

Remember pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from lungs to heart

Layers of heart

Inside out

  • Endocardium
  • Myocardium
  • Epicardium / pericardium

Coronary blood supply

Coronary arteries

  • Sit epicardially, extend into the myocardium via smaller branches
  • Receive their oxygenated blood supply during the diastole phase of the cycle
    • This becomes more important in tachycardias where diastole is reduced

Right Coronary Artery (RCA)

Right atrium, right ventricle, SA and AV notes

Posterior descending artery (PDA)

Right ventricle, posterior left ventricle

Left Coronary Artery (LCA)

Left ventricle including some septum, possibly some of the right ventricle

Left circumflex (LCx)

Lateral left ventricle, left atrium

Left anterior descending (LAD)

Septum, anterior left ventricle, apex of the left ventricle







Useful formula

Cardiac Output

CO=SV ×HR\ce{CO = SV \times HR}

5-6L/min normal range

Factors that affect Cardiac Output (CO)

Stroke Volume
  • Heart size
  • Fitness level
  • Gender
  • Contractility (autonomic innervation and hormones)
  • Duration of contraction
  • Preload (End diastolic volume - venous return, filling time)
  • Afterload (Resistance - so think about vasodilation/vasoconstriction)
Heart Rate
  • Autonomic innervation
  • Hormones
  • Fitness level
  • Age

Stroke Volume

SV=COHR\ce{SV = \frac{CO}{HR} }

40-90ml/beat normal range

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

MAP=DBP x 13(SBPDBP)\ce{MAP = DBP x 1/3 (SBP - DBP)}

80-120mmHg normal range

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